
I have been on a journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. In 2007, I was bed ridden due to an infection and although I was already obese, I gained more weight and topped out at 500 pounds. I began writing about health and fitness after I suffered Congestive Heart Failure and Respiratory Failure in February 2009. I currently have lost over 150 pounds and continue to walk toward my goals. I am a member of Weight Watchers and I am top contributor on the Weight Watchers site. Here is a link to my Weight Watchers blog. I hope my blogs inspire you and help you realize miracles do happen and your goals are achievable. Take care and God bless you.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Jack-o-Lantern Story and Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipe

The story of the Jack-o-Lantern comes from Irish folklore. Jack was a crafty farmer who tricked the Devil into climbing a tall tree. When the Devil reached the highest branch, Jack carved a large cross in the trunk, making it impossible for the Devil to climb down. In exchange for help getting out of the tree, the Devil promised never to tempt Jack with evil again. When Jack died, he was turned away from Heaven for his sins and turned away from Hell because of his trickery. Condemned to wander the Earth without rest, Jack carved out one of his turnips, took an ember from the devil, and used it for a lantern to light his way. He became known as "Jack of the Lantern."

The one pictured is my creation from last year. I couldn’t find the cord to upload the picture of this year’s pumpkin. I hope you didn’t toss the seeds from yours; you can make a healthy snack out of those pumpkin seeds. They are a good source of protein, fiber, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and potassium. The seeds also provide essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. Some studies have found pumpkin seeds to prevent arteriosclerosis, help regulate cholesterol levels, lower the risk of certain types of kidney stones, and help prevent the onset of anxiety attacks, depression and other mood disorders (Wikipedia, 2009).

Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipe

• Preheat oven to 325° F
• Rinse pumpkin seeds under cold water being sure to pick out all of the pulp and strings. This is easier when you first remove them from the pumpkin before they have a chance to dry.
• Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Place the seeds in a single layer and spray them with the non-stick cooking spray.
• Sprinkle with salt or other spice for flavor and bake for about 25 minutes stirring every 10 minutes.
• Let cool and store in an air-tight container.

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blurt: The Storm Rages Onward

As I sit on my porch off in the distance I see a storm gathering on the horizon. The clouds begin to stack one on top of the other and accumulate in massive piles of marshmallow fluff. They plow into each other like a bumper car pileup trying to push each other out of the way but to no avail. You can almost see their frustration as they begin to anger and become dark with their rage. As the sun continues to set you can see the awesome glow of colors reflecting off the clouds and beams of sunlight piercing through leaving me to contemplate how awesome and powerful our God truly is. Although the day resists, night slowly presses forward as a blanket of darkness falls over the earth.

Now the night sky is as dark and black as the asphalt on a newly paved road. I begin to wonder if the storm will pass. Then in a blink of an eye I see a flash of light, then another. I stare intently awaiting the next surge as a bolt of lightning rips the night sky toward the ground. The battle of the clouds has begun. As they crash and attack each other bolt after bolt fly and soar bringing numerous flashes of light upon the black canvas. The battle is still too far off to hear the devastation and destruction.

The winds begin to quicken and make the tree branches bow to the approaching battlefield. Slowly as it approaches I begin to hear the rumblings of their cannon fire. The storm is much closer now and I can feel the electrical surge in the air. It feels as though all my nerves are on end anticipating the arrival. You can almost taste the moisture in the atmosphere as it begins to approach and then large droplets begin to fall one by one in a slow and steady beat. Then in a flash the flood gates are opened and the rain pours down from the night sky, the wind rages, and lightning cracks all around as the thunder booms and rattles the balcony where I sit and watch all its magnificence.

Many times we can see the storm approaching in our lives. It builds and becomes a raging war inside us. We feel helpless and at its mercy. It begins to consume us until we are completely under its control. I know I have felt this way in regards to my weight gain. I sat there and watched myself getting heavier and although I gave an effort at times to gain control, I would lose the battle and regain the weight I had lost. I was constantly at war with myself succumbing to self-pity and depression. I was always on the lookout for a quick solution to my problems only to fail once again.

Finally I realized that I needed to make a lifestyle change if I was going to be successful. I had overcome many hard times in my life through my faith in God. He has always taken care of me and carried me through the rough roads I insisted on traveling. He had given me a second chance at life to reach my goals. After long hours of meditation and prayer I became to realize that I was not going to lose the weight overnight. I did not put it on quickly and it was going to take some time to take it off.

I had to change my attitude and put an end to the storm. Little by little I am achieving my goals and I am on my way to living a happier and healthier lifestyle. I am sure you can calm the storm that rages in your life as well. Just change your attitude and look at things from a new perspective. We must be like the tree and bow to the storm’s magnificence, yet hold tight to our dreams in order to stand tall and proud once the storm passes. You can gain control over your weight loss. You can be successful in your life. I have faith in you. God Bless you all the days of your life.

“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain.” - Anonymous

Monday, October 25, 2010

Blurt: Pump up that Motivation

Sometimes don’t you just wish there was a magic formula in a bottle where you could just pump out some motivation and feel energetic and enthusiastic. I know when I am feeling down and depressed I start to think of how to get motivated to do the things which are necessary to achieve my goals. I want to be healthy but at times I just stop caring. I feel like the world just stops turning. It is as though I do not exist, that I am unimportant. I start thinking of all the bad decisions I have made and how I should have done better. I feel like a failure, unable to push forward and live life. I find I lack motivation in all aspects of life. I throw my hands up in aggravation and frustration and wish for a quick end to my troubles. I feel the pain in my joints and my neck and my back. I know this is due to my weight and I put myself down for allowing myself to become this beast. I look back at the times in my life when I was thin and wonder why I did not continue to live that active and healthy lifestyle. It seems to become an endless cycle of self-pity I find difficult to escape.

It is in these moments I turn to God in prayer to find my motivation. I cry on his shoulder and let the feelings of inadequacy out. He is there to comfort me through my pain and then He reminds me of the many blessings in my life. I have a wonderful caring family. Although they are far away they are always there to lend their support. I have many true friends that will lend me an ear and are supportive in my goals. Every day I share my life with them and they are always there for me. He has put a roof over my head and food on my table. I can feel His love and His spirit fills my soul.

I begin to ponder all the good things I will have and feel once I have achieved my goal of weight loss, I will be healthier. This is my main motivation. I am doing it for me. Not for anyone else. I believe this is why I am so successful in my path to achieve my goals. I am not doing it for everybody else or any superficial reasons. I truly want to be healthy. I want to feel better. I want to be there for my children. I want to see them graduate, get married and have grandchildren. After coming close to death in February 2009, I found reasons to live. I am important. I do matter. I touch many lives and I do not want to make them feel the loss of losing me. I want to live and love and fulfill God’s plan for my life. He has given me a second chance and I do not want to blow it.

Next, I think about all the other advantages of achieving my goals. This helps keep me motivated. I will feel better. I will be able to do all of those fun things I used to be able to do. I love sports and playing them. I used to love to run and throw a Frisbee®. I love to play soccer. I love the outdoors and going on hiking trails. I once took a 500 mile trip on a one-speed bicycle through the Appalachian Mountains (read Blurt: Cycling in the Appalachian Mountains). I want to be active again. I want to be able to go to the store without riding on one of those electric carts or my wheelchair. I want to look thin and attractive again. I have not had anyone significant in my life since my divorce. I know it is due to my weight. I want to love again. I am a hopeless romantic. I want to be able to fit in those jeans again. I can already fit into many clothes I have not worn for a long time. I want to do so many things. This is what keeps me motivated.

Finally, I begin to pump my motivation by reaffirming I CAN and WILL do it. I will stay on my diet. I will achieve success. I will lose the weight. I will be healthy again. I must press forward to achieve my goals of weight loss. I will be able to walk, run and play again. I know I can. I have the support I need. God is there for me. My family and friends support me. I CAN and WILL do it. So can you. God bless you and I wish you continued success in your goals.

I believe in the sun, even when it's not shining
I believe in love, even when not feeling it
I believe in God, even when He is silent.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Blurt: Cycling in the Appalachian Mountains

It is important to set goals to achieve the weight loss and healthy lifestyle we are seeking. I believe in setting both short and long range goals. These should be realistic and achievable. By setting goals it gives us something to strive for and makes it easier to stay on our diet and gives us the motivation to exercise. One of my dreams and long range goals is to go cycling again. When I was younger in my teenage years a group of us took a trip riding one speed bicycles from Roanoke, Virginia to Douglassville, Georgia. It was a lot of fun. The entire trip was just over 500 miles.

We were a group of about fifteen cyclists. There were some old one speed bicycles behind the tool shed that looked as if they had not been ridden in about twenty years. They were rusted, scratched, bent and covered with dirt and grime. We spent about a month cleaning, rebuilding, and painting them. We repaired and/or replaced the tires. We adjusted the brakes and chains. We repacked all the bearings and straightened the spokes to obtain a true and accurate spin. When we were finished, those bicycles were sparkling and looking like they were brand new right out of the box. In fact, they were better than brand new.

Next, it was time to plan and train for our trip. In the evenings, we spent time planning the route and the meals we would prepare. We planned where we would camp each night and the locations we would visit along the way. We arranged for an adult to drive a van to store our food and gear. He would drive ahead and secure our campsite each day. During the days, we spent exercising and building up endurance riding the local streets so we would be physically prepared once we were in the mountains.

After about a month of training and planning we were ready to go. We rode in the van to our starting point in Roanoke, Virginia. I remember the sweet mountain air, the beautiful scenery and the thrill of riding on the road mere feet from the deep ravines and valleys. We made many stops along the way to enjoy the countryside and take in the sites. We enjoyed cycling along the Blue Ridge Parkway. We rode to the top of Mount Mitchell, the highest peak in eastern North America. I was only one of three to make it to the top without stopping and taking a rest. I remember the glorious view from their observation deck. You can click on this link to take in the view. http://www.romanticasheville.com/mtmitchell.htm I remember coming down the mountain, drafting behind a Volkswagen Bus and the children in the back window telling me with their hands that I was doing 45mph right before I passed them.

We stopped to enjoy the Biltmore Estate, also in Asheville, North Carolina. It is the home of the Largest House in America. I remember all the treasures within the home. There were many rare and beautiful items. I remember the library, billiard room, and bowling alley in the basement. I remember cycling to observe the beautiful landscape and to go strolling through the gardens. It was such a wonderful time and very educational. This link will take you to the Biltmore Guide and provide links to their website. http://www.romanticasheville.com/Biltmore.html

Finally, the last days we spent time building up our endurance to be able to cycle a century on the final day of our trip. A century is bicycling 100 miles in a day. We were averaging about 20-25 miles a day before that. Then we did forty, then sixty, then eighty miles before the 103 miles we cycled on our final day. The night before we stopped at a restaurant on Lake Hartwell that has since burned down. They offered a seafood buffet that was excellent. We stuffed ourselves and then had to pedal the last mile to our campsite. We awoke early the next morning and set out on our journey to achieve our goal. Later that evening we arrived exhausted but beaming in our glory and success.

We truly had a wonderful trip. It took us about two weeks to pedal the entire 500 miles. I hold that memory close to my heart. It provides me with the motivation I now seek in achieving my weight loss goals. I may not ever be able to go on a 500 mile bicycling trip through the mountains again. But, I know I can go cycling again if I continue down the path of living a healthy and active lifestyle. Cycling again is a realistic goal and maybe my dream of cycling cross country or another destination in the future is possible. I will take it one day at a time. I will stay on my path to a stronger and healthier me. I can and will do it! God Bless all of you.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blurt: How to Visually Measure Food

Many times we do not measure portions. I know I guesstimate all the time. It is important that we eat the right portions to maintain our healthy diet and lifestyle. But, after cooking a pot of whole wheat pasta, I am not going to pull out a measuring cup and portion my serving. I am going to visually look at it and guess from there. However, if you are not careful it is easy to over or under estimate your food intake. I offer a guide below of the tricks I use to measure my portions. These are in single serving portions. Hope this helps. God Bless.

Beef, Pork, Fish, & Poultry
3-4 ounces is about the size of the palm of your hand, a deck of cards or a pocket digital camera

6 ounce fish fillet is about the size of a pair of sunglasses

1 serving of fruit is about the size of a tennis ball or baseball

1/2 cup of cut vegetables is about the size of a light bulb, so is one medium potato

1/3 cup or serving is a small handful or the size of a golf ball
1 Tbsp Peanut Butter is about the size of both of your thumbs

1 slice of bread is the size of a DVD or CD case
1/2 regular bagel is about the size of a can of tuna

Cheese Shredded or Chunk
1 ounce is about the size of your thumb, a USB thumb drive or a small bar of soap

Cooked Pasta
1/2 cup is a rounded handful

1 cup is about the size of a tea cup

Dry Cereal and Popcorn
1 cup is about the size of your two hands cupped together like a bowl

Butter and Oil
1/2 teaspoon is about the size of your fingertip

1/2 cup is about the size of half of an orange

Pancake or Large Bagel
About the size of a CD/DVD

Beans or Ice Cream
1/2 cup is about the size of a hockey puck

Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oldman's Homemade Salsa


• 1 Vidalia onion, chopped
• 1 red bell pepper, coarsely chopped
• 1 green bell pepper, coarsely chopped
• 1/4 cup fresh cilantro
• 4 oz diced jalapeno peppers, or to taste
• 8 fresh tomatoes, coarsely chopped
• 2 teaspoons olive oil
• 2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
• 1/2 lime, juiced
• 1/4 tsp black pepper
• 1/8 tsp red pepper
• 1/8 tsp salt


Chop onion, bell peppers, tomatoes and cilantro and transfer into a medium to large bowl with a lid. Add diced jalapeno peppers and toss. You can use a food processor to chop the veggies by using a pulse just a few times but personally I enjoy chopping them up by hand. I use diced jalapenos from a jar and occasionally will use canned diced tomatoes.

In a separate bowl, whisk together olive oil, red wine vinegar, lime juice, black pepper, red pepper and salt. Then pour this mixture evenly over the veggies and toss well. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blurt: Let There Be Peace With You!

Sometimes life beats down upon us and leaves us in despair. In our journey to make the lifestyle change necessary to achieve our goals to lose the weight, eat healthier, exercise more, and conquer our addictions, it is sometimes necessary to take a step back and find peace. I find my peace in the morning hours when the house and neighborhood is quiet. I sit on my porch, drink my coffee or tea, and commune with nature. It is in these times of solitude I can pray and celebrate how awesome my God truly is. I look and listen to the birds in the trees. I gaze out on the sky, rain or shine. I feel the cool morning breeze as it caresses my skin. It is in these moments I feel truly blessed and offer my thanks to God. It is where I find my peace and motivation, no matter how hard things are going for me in my life. Life has offered me many times of hardship and struggle, but I realize it is in these times that He carries me and protects me. Though my faith may stumble from time to time, I know it is God who will help me achieve my goals. I leave you this poem to offer my prayer of blessings on your life.

Let There Be Peace with You
by Brian, the old man

The economy is down
No jobs in town
The cupboards are bare
No one seems to care
Let There Be Peace with You

Time spent all alone
No rings on the phone
As darkness sets in
I need a friend
Let There Be Peace with You

When troubles arise
It is no surprise
Faith seems to wane
There's no one to blame
Let There Be Peace with You

My family too far
Can't wish on a star
Life is not fair
This is my prayer
Let There Be Peace with You

May God Bless your life
To live without strife
In the Lord's way
Survive every day
Let There Be Peace with You

This Poem has been featured at SkyWriting.Net.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blurt: Mom, There’s Nothing to Eat! (Grocery List)

Don’t you just hate that whining voice coming from your children no matter what their age? My son is twenty-one and I can still hear him whine. What they mean is there are no high calorie junk foods left to eat. They do not want the fruits and other healthy items in the house. They do not want the low-fat, low-calorie diet foods either. However, it is important to keep certain foods on hand. As I learned when I was in the Boy Scouts of America®, you must Be Prepared, in doing so you can stay on your diet and achieve your weight loss goals. You must plan for achieving a healthy lifestyle. If there are not any healthy food alternatives, you will eat the junk that is there. I have prepared a list below of food items I try to keep on hand. Your list will probably vary depending on your tastes.

(I have gone through those financial hard times when it was difficult to afford food. In those cases try to keep the healthy basics on hand and opt out of the high calorie foods. For all of you who are struggling, may God bless you and keep you safe.)

Dry Goods

 Whole Wheat or Whole Grain Breads / Reduced Calorie Buns
 Cereal
 Pita Bread / Tortillas
 Reduced Calorie Crackers
 Baking Mix / Pancake Mix
 Gelatin Mix
 Sugar-free Pudding
 Sugar Substitute
 Jam / Jelly
 Peanut Butter
 Nuts
 Plain Microwave Popcorn
 100 Calorie Snack Packs
 Baked Chips
 Diet Snack Bars
 Olive Oil
 Cooking Spray
 Reduced Sodium Soy Sauce
 Whole Wheat Pasta
 Brown and/or Wild Rice
 Favorite Seasonings and Herbs (Pepper, Garlic, Low-Sodium Salt, etc.)
 Lemons / Limes
 Onions
 Potatoes
 Diet Beverages
 Powdered Sugar-Free Drink Mixes

Canned Goods

 Green Beans
 Peas
 Potatoes
 Tuna Fish packed in Water
 Reduced Sodium/Fat Soups (Tomato, Vegetable, Chicken Broth, Chicken Noodle)
 Diced Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce, Tomato Paste
 Fruit packed in water or their own juice


 Skim Milk
 Eggs or Egg Substitute
 Yogurt
 Reduced-Fat/Fat-Free Hard Cheese
 String Cheese
 Parmesan Cheese
 Cream Cheese
 Fat-free Dressing
 Mustard
 Ketchup
 Light or Fat Free Mayo
 Fat-Free or Low-Fat Dips
 Reduced Calorie Syrup
 Light or Fat-Free Butter or Margarine
 Low-Fat Sour Cream
 Apples / Oranges / Plums / Pears / Melon
 Celery / Carrots
 Deli Sliced Turkey / Roast Beef / Lean Ham


 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
 Reduced Fat Hot dogs
 Canadian Style Bacon
 Lean Ground Beef
 Veggie Burgers, if that’s your thing
 Lean Ground Turkey and/or Chicken
 Skinless Fish
 Whole-Grain Waffles
 Light or Fat-Free Desserts
 Light Frozen Entrees and Side Dishes
 Frozen Meal Kits (Stir Fries with Light Sauces)
 Frozen Fruits
 Frozen Vegetables

Friday, October 15, 2010

Blurt: Temptation Got You Squirrelly?

When temptation arises do you start to feel irrational, like you have no mind of your own? When they bring out the appetizer, do you think, “I can eat just a few bites?” When you hear them start to sing Happy Birthday, does your mouth start to water for cake and ice cream? Do you just have to have a pudding cup as you spy your child grabbing one? I know these times really test my strength. It is difficult for me to stay on my diet and live the healthy lifestyle I yearn for. I think Mark Twain said it best, “I deal with temptation by yielding to it." It is so easy to give into temptation and let my addiction take over. Temptation is everywhere. You find it at home, during celebrations, socializing with friends and dining out.

At home, I find it easier if I can avoid or hide the things that tempt me. I will store snacks and chips out of sight and out of reach. When my son brings home soft drinks, I have him put them in his refrigerator in his room. I will bag up snacks for me in portions so I do not go overboard and devour the whole package. I keep healthy snacks on hand like fruits and nuts. I buy healthier snacks like popcorn and those 100 calorie prepackaged snacks. I buy the diet snack bars to satisfy my sweet tooth. All of these methods help me stay on track. These actions are easy to do and help me make the lifestyle change I need to succeed.

I find it especially difficult for me to stay on track during celebrations. Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, New Years Eve, Birthdays, Anniversaries, or just sitting down to dinner at the table (definitely a special occasion in my home) are times when my brain starts to go into high gear trying to rationalize the decision to cheat. But if I plan for these times and make the adjustments in my diet and exercise for the week, I will usually find that it is easier to avoid the temptation. I know I will probably not experience a high weight loss, but I do know I can possibly have a small weight loss or at the very least maintain my current weight.

Socializing with friends can be a time of weakness but making those lifestyle choices in order change and stay on our diet and achieve our weight loss is a conscious decision we must choose to make in order to lose the weight we desire. When we are in a social situation and there are snacks on every table, we must stop and say no. We have to choose not to hang out at the buffet table or in the kitchen. We have to choose not to drink that high calorie, alcoholic drink. It is our decision. Some people call it willpower. I just believe you have to make up your mind you are going to change. Not for anyone else but for yourself. You are the one in control. It is your choice. If you make the decision to go off your plan, then also plan how you will regain your strength. As I have said before, if we plan for our success, we will reach our weight loss goals and make the lifestyle changes we need.

“'Tis one thing to be tempted, another thing to fall."...William Shakespeare

“Every conquering temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before."...William Butler Yeats

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blurt: Exercise Challenge, Do the Impossible!

In order to achieve our weight loss goals we must include exercise. For some of us this is running a couple of miles a day. For others, it means a trip to the gym three or four times a week. It can include playing sports, doing housework, aerobics, playing with the kids, or taking a walk. But, when was the last time you challenged yourself during exercise?

For me, I am taking it step by step. We all have to work at a level that is good for us and takes safety into mind. It wasn’t that long ago I was bed ridden. But little by little I am regaining my strength. At first, it was difficult for me just to make it to the restroom or the kitchen without being completely out of breath. Now, I am able to easily walk around my home. I clean my own bathroom, wash the dishes, and pick up the trash. Those household chores people hate to do, me included, I am able to accomplish. It is true I still have trouble doing some things because I still have trouble standing for periods of time but I am making progress.

I used to have trouble with stairs as well. I had to take each step with both feet before moving to the next. I can still remember the physical therapist telling me to lead with the good foot going up, bad foot going down. I would say to myself good foot up, bad foot down, over and over again to remember. Now I can walk up and down the stairs like normal people do using one foot per stair. It took me challenging myself to keep going up and down the stairs to gain the strength in order to get to that point.

For awhile I used a wheelchair to get to and from the car. Now I have started walking to the end of the street. When I started walking there I was using a walker. There is a picnic table there that I can rest before coming back. It is only about 100 yards each way, but to me it has been a good workout. However, it is time to challenge myself again. There is a circle at the end of the street and I have been looking at it and visualizing being able to walk around it before taking a rest. It is a good size circle and will add about 30-40 yards each time around. Tomorrow is the day I have set to accomplish this. I was going to do it tonight but it is raining pretty hard outside. I use a cane when I walk because I am still unsteady at times and I do not want to slip and fall in the rain. But I am ready for the challenge and I will do it. It is my next exercise goal.

Little by little if we add to our exercise routine we will achieve the weight loss we are seeking. We must keep pushing forward. How will you challenge yourself during exercise this week? Look at me, we can do the impossible. God Bless and Take Care.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blurt: Stub Your Plat TOE?

When you stub your big toe, in those few moments while you are hopping around and screaming in excruciating pain, you feel as if your whole body is going to explode. Did I break it? Is it bleeding? Will I ever walk again? The thoughts of fear and anxiety run through your mind. Anger then rushes in and thoughts of how you will scold your child for leaving his toys once again in the hallway when you have told him a million times to put them away enter your mind. Then you become agitated at yourself for not paying attention to where you were going when actually you had done nothing wrong. You then realize although you are angry at your child for not doing as he was told, he is just a child and these things happen. Plateaus in reaching your weight loss goals are much the same way.

We are going along on our diet and then all of a sudden, BAM, you smack right into a plateau. You step on the scale and, OUCH! I gained a pound!? The pain is excruciating! I have done nothing wrong! I did my part! I was watching for those falls! What happened? Why did I fail? I do not understand! This makes no sense at all! I made the right choices! I stayed on my plan! I am being healthy! I have exercised! I did not eat that burger and fries and ate that salad for lunch the other day. What is going on? How could this be so? I must have lost weight. The scale must be wrong.

These plateaus when we are striving to reach our weight loss goals get frustrating because we are not losing weight or even have gained a pound or two. We really have not done anything wrong on our diet and cannot explain our failure. It is such a confusing time. We know we have exercised and have done everything we were supposed to do. Do not let these times bring you down. This is not the time to get depressed and fall back into our bad habits and grab a bag of chips and eat the whole thing. It is so easy to really plummet in these times of pain and anxiety. Instead, reward your success for staying on the plan for good health. Realize this is only temporary. Our bodies have fluctuations as it adjusts to our efforts in weight loss. Paige Waehner states, “The reason is that the human body works hard to keep energy intake and output in balance. In other words, your body does not like to lose weight (not a revelation, huh?).”*

We all will experience these plateaus. Like life, sometimes we just coast along; it is not that we are not moving in the right direction. We must not let these plateaus cause our collapse into the far reaches of the canyon of depression and self-doubt. With our continued efforts at living a healthy lifestyle and managing our diets and exercise we will succeed in our goals. Our bodies are just set on cruise control on the highway of life. We may stub our plat toes from time to time, but the pain will subside. We are not broken. It is just our bodies taking a rest so it can move forward. We will succeed. We will find our happiness.

Happiness is like manna; it is to be gathered in grains, and enjoyed every day.
Author unknown

* Waehner, Paige (2005, January 24). Understanding Weight Loss Plateaus. About.com. Retrieved June 11, 2009, from http://exercise.about.com/cs/weightloss/a/weightplateaus.htm

Monday, October 11, 2010

Blurt: We All Come Tumbling Down

Sometimes we make mistakes. We all fall short from time to time. It can be a hard road to travel and we will hit those bumps along the way. Some are pebbles and others are massive speed bumps. We try to climb that mountain but lose our grip. But if we have properly attached our safety rope, we will survive. Analyzing why we have failed can be our key to success in weight loss, addiction, and a healthy lifestyle. No one has ever started to learn calculus without first learning one plus one is two. Our failures can teach us what we need to do next time. As they say, “practice, practice, and practice.”

Do not listen to those folks that will say, “I knew you couldn’t do it.” They are just trying to bring themselves up by putting you down. They lack the self-esteem in their life to be able to accomplish their goals and want to bring you down with them. Ignore them, smile and just let it pass. For you know in your heart you can lose the weight, conquer your addiction, live a healthy lifestyle in order to succeed. It is too easy to get caught up in the moment and get upset with them and yourself. Just take a step back and tell yourself you failed but next time around you will make it. By doing so, you will crush their negativity and feel better. The best way to get back at these people is for you to succeed.

Why did I fail? What could I have done differently? How can I plan for this situation in the future? Who could have helped me in my time of crisis? How was I feeling when I made the decision to go off my diet? We all make bad choices at times. We may be depressed, angry, starving (we are starving not hungry, right?), lonely, excited, or just don’t give a hoot when we make those decisions. By exploring how we feel and asking ourselves questions, we can choose to do the right thing next time. We can plan for those times and negotiate a solution to stay on our diet and achieve our weight loss. It helps to journal those feelings as those moments arise so you can reference them later.

For me my weakness is salt. It is also especially bad for me. Maybe this is why I love it so much. I have always been a rebel at heart. I love the toes. You know, Fritos, Doritos, and Santitos, or any other chip will make my mouth water. It is an addiction for me. It is difficult for me to go out to eat Mexican and not chow down on those tortilla chips before, during and after the meal. (Thinking of Mexican, I guess I left out burritos.) But if I plan for the meal before I go out, I have a better chance of success. I try to look up menus online for the restaurants I frequent. That way I can make healthier choices and plan for those meals. I also will divide my meal in half and ask for a doggy bag.

A healthy lifestyle must include room for our mistakes. I know I will make them. I have failed in the past. I will fail in the future. I have overcome many addictions in my life. Every time I try to overcome and fail, I become stronger for the next time I make an effort. Living a healthy lifestyle is learning how to manage the addiction to certain foods. We all are addicted to food in a sense. We have to have it to survive. But we do not have to eat unhealthy foods. We can make the healthy choice to meet our weight loss goals. We can and will succeed. Knowing our weaknesses will help develop our strength. It is important to keep a positive attitude to remain motivated. We all come tumbling down, but we can pick ourselves up and brush off the dust and make it to the top of the mountain.

“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain.”…Anonymous

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Blurt: Tips to a Healthy Lifestyle

Okay, now you are motivated to make the changes in your life to obtain the weight loss you are seeking and to be a happier healthier you. How do you maintain and achieve success? What are some easy things for you to do that will make a difference to achieve your goal? What things can you do that will help change your bad habits and start good ones? Today I offer some good tips to living a healthier lifestyle. This is not an all inclusive list but just some little things that I find easy to do to help you achieve the results you desire.

  • Finding time to fit in that 15-30 minute walk can be difficult in our busy lives. Break it up into five minute sections. Walk the dog twice around instead of just once. Take the steps instead of the elevator; start off by walking up one flight and adding a flight each week. Try parking farther away from the store or work. When you take a break from work walk around the building. Get off the bus two stops ahead of your stop. Add steps whenever you can.

  • Get some exercise doing household chores. This is an excellent way to keep your house clean and free from germs while giving you a great workout.

  • Eat a good breakfast and a healthy lunch and dinner. Add healthy snacks like fruits and veggies throughout the day where you do not feel the pang of hunger. Do not eat dinner right before going to bed. You will sleep better and it gives your body time to burn off some calories.

  • Bring your lunch to work and stop eating fast food. Buy the frozen entrees from Weight Watchers, Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine and eat them for your lunch. It is a quick easy meal to prepare and they offer a wide variety of selections.

  • Eat more nuts. They are a satisfying healthy crunchy snack. Studies have shown they reduce the risk of heart disease and are loaded with antioxidants and monounsaturated fats (the good ones).

  • Read nutritional labels and avoid foods high in fat grams and calories.

  • Drink water. For more information about drinking water click on this link to one of my earlier articles. Blurt: Hate Drinking Water?

  • Drink more tea. It is a healthy alternative to water. It hydrates the body as well as water, is high in antioxidants called flavonoids which protect against heart disease, helps promote the strengthening of bones and protects against tooth decay and plaque.

  • Limit the amount of drinks that are high in sugar you drink. This also goes for alcoholic drinks, offering calories with no nutritional value. Alcohol also reduces your inhibitions where you are more likely to eat foods high in fat and calories.

  • Practice good hygiene and food preparation. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap while singing the Happy Birthday song twice through to insure you wash them long enough. Keep surfaces clean and disinfected. Keep raw and prepared foods away from each other. Use good care when preparing meals to keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot in order to avoid food borne illnesses. Internal temperatures of meats and other hot foods should be a minimum of 165°F, use a food thermometer to check.

I hope these tips help in reaching your goals and living a healthy lifestyle. You have the motivation and you will succeed! God Bless and Take Care.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Blurt: Let’s Dance!

Get up on your feet and dance! Put a smile on your face and get that body moving. Turn that music up! Your kids are not the only ones that can play it loud. We old people were annoying adults long before they came around. So take out that old music and crank it up and annoy them for a change. Let them think that Mom and Dad have gone nuts. They will be texting to their friends, “OMG, lol, the ‘rents have gone crazy!” We all need some movement in our lives. Our good health depends on it. Keep those muscles active. Even if you are like I was not so long ago, when I could only get up and dance for one minute, get up and start moving. If you need to, get those arms moving while you’re sitting in a chair. You have to start somewhere. We all need exercise for our healthy lifestyle change.

When I first got out of the hospital, I could march in place for one minute before I had to sit and rest. If you can only do it for thirty seconds, do it for thirty seconds; your health may depend on it. My exercises were primarily from a sitting position in the beginning. I started out by just moving my arms up and down with no resistance. I would hold them out on each side and raise them up and down. I would do curls by raising my arms up and down in front of me. I would hold my arms out for as long as I could. I would raise my arms above my head repeatedly. I started out by doing repetitions of fifteen at a time and slowly I increased up to twenty, then twenty-five, then thirty. Then I added some weight to my exercise. You can use soup cans if you do not have dumbbells. Just hold one in each hand. You do not need fancy equipment or a gym membership to exercise. Everything you need is right there at home. The most important thing you need is motivation.

My lower body workouts were much the same. I would march in place. I would kick my feet out in front of me sitting down. I would hold them off the ground for as long as I could. I would stand and use the back of a chair for support and kick my feet out to the side, in front of me and behind me. I would stand on my tippy toes. Do anything to get the muscles in motion. My exercise routine included lying on my back and lifting my legs up and down in repetition. I would do leg lifts and hold my feet up as long as I could. I would lie on my side and move my legs up and down, increasing repetitions as time went on. I was unable to get down on the floor to do these so I did them in my bed. Well, I guess the getting down on the floor was not my problem; it was the getting up after I was done that I could not do.

That reminds me of when I first became unable to work due to an infection three years ago. Now the infection was not my only problem. I had already been having health issues and as time goes on I will discuss these in more depth. But a few days before I went into the hospital, I had fallen off of the bed and could not get up. Imagine this, a man, 400 pounds on the floor unable to get up. Not a pretty picture. It took eight firemen to get me up off of that floor. Little did they know, two days later they would be rushing me to the hospital. That picture in my mind still gives me motivation to keep going toward my goals.

Well, let’s get back to the original topic, Exercise. As time progressed, I was able to do more repetitions and use more weight. You just have to stay motivated. Realize that by taking little steps you can reach your weight loss goals. You can live a healthier lifestyle; it just takes a little effort on your part. Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, if you take those small steps they will lead to ultimate success. I can walk 100 yards now without stopping. Three years ago I was on the floor, trapped. I was bed ridden. Back in February, 2009 I almost died. When I started this journey, I was in a wheelchair. Success is possible! We can live a healthy lifestyle! A healthy diet and exercise will lead us to our goals. One day, I will be able to say, take me out on that dance floor and Let’s Dance!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blurt: It’s a Fantabulous Wonderful Day!

It is such a fantabulous wonderful day! The sun is shining. The birds are singing. Everything is well in paradise! My “diet” has been going well. I weighed in yesterday and have lost another seven pounds. This means I have reached my next goal. WOO HOO!!! I have gone through many struggles in my life dealing with addiction, obesity, health issues, poverty, just to name a few and sometimes it is nice to just sit back and enjoy the day. Therefore, I will not take the time to discuss those struggles today. When I got out of the hospital back in February last year, I knew God had blessed me and had given me another chance at life (Read my blurt entitled, “Miracles Do Happen”).

I think it is important to just take a step back sometimes and count your blessings. I know that sounds cliché. But for those of us who are struggling with life’s burdens, looking at the good things sure can make a difference in your attitude and perspective. Sometimes it is easy to get bogged down and start feeling depressed when you are trying to lose weight, manage a healthy diet, exercise, deal with home and work stress, kids, traffic, and manage all of those day to day tasks. It is easy to start feeling like you are on overload and get weighed down in your own self-pity.

So look on the bright side. Have a positive point of view. You will lose the weight. You can live a healthy lifestyle. Surround yourself with the ones that will support you. Take time out of your busy life for yourself. Sit back and smell the roses. One of the things I enjoy the most is to go out on my porch in the morning, have a cup of coffee, listen to the birds and watch the sunrise. It is my alone time, my time to commune with nature, my time to enjoy God’s gifts, my solitude, my meditation, my time to bask in God’s glory and His peace. Enjoy today. Take the time out. It will help lead you to a happier and healthier lifestyle. You will accomplish your goals. You will succeed on your diet. You will fit into that swimsuit again. Have a little faith. “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Mathew 6:26) I know he has taken care of me and carried me through my darkest hours. So, Have a Fantabulous Wonderful Day!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lo-Cal Mexican Hash

This is one of my original recipes which I just absolutely love. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Lo-Cal Mexican Hash

Course: main meals
Weight Watchers POINTS® Value: 7
Servings: 4

Preparation Time: 5 min
Cooking Time: 15 min
Level of Difficulty: Easy


2 tsp olive oil
1 tsp black pepper
1 cup(s) onion(s)
20 slice(s) Ortega Pickled Jalapenos Sliced
1 cup(s) Oldman's Homemade Salsa (follow link)
1 cup(s) canned yellow corn
1 cup(s) canned diced tomatoes
1 pound(s) Turkey, ground, 93% lean/7% fat, raw
8 shell(s) Old El Paso® Shells Mini Taco Shell(s)
1/2 cup(s) fat-free sour cream


dice onion and cook in fryng pan w/ olive oil over med heat for about 3-5 minutes

add ground turkey and cook until brown about 5 minutes

add black pepper, jalapenos, salsa, corn, and diced tomatoes

cover to simmer for about 5-8 minutes until vegetables are done stirring occasionally

serve with taco shells and sour cream

NOTE: If you like it hotter add more jalapenos

WEIGHT WATCHERS and POINTS are the registered trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. You can find a link to their website in the sidebar.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Blurt: Do You Love Cookies?

A lot of people love cookies. I am one of them. There are only a few kinds of cookies I do not like. I’m a firm believer that a balanced diet is a cookie in each hand. However, I said A cookie in each hand. I did not say that you can go eat a whole batch of chocolate chip cookies topped with ice cream and sprinkles. Nor did I say that you can do this every day. What I am saying is if you love cookies the way I love cookies, you must plan them into your healthy diet.

I allow myself extra room in my diet when I’m tracking the foods that I eat to have these little indulgences from time to time. If you do not plan the foods that you love into your diet then I believe you are headed for failure or at least disappointment. You have to live with your diet for the rest of your life. As I’ve said before, it is a lifestyle change. You can maintain good health and still have cookies every now and then.

There are healthier ways you can add them into your diet. You can purchase those snack packs that are only 100 calories a bag. You can use a sugar substitute to make your homemade cookies. You can pre-bag up individual servings of your favorite cookies and snacks. This way you do not grab the whole package and before you know it you have eaten the whole thing. (Anyone remember the Alka-Seltzer® commercial, “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing?”) If cookies are what you love, you can use them as a reward for reaching your small goals.

The main thing is just to be sensible about it and plan your healthy diet around the foods that you love. Do not over indulge. Quit eating when you are full. Your body is sending you a signal, listen to it. Do not keep them in sight as a temptation. You CAN live a healthy life. Just remember what the cartoon Maxine said, “Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Chardonnay in one hand, chocolate in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, “WOO HOO, What a Ride” I wish you continued success on your endeavors. God Bless.
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